Affiliated schools

Promote Kids' Growth in A Happy, Safe, And Friendly Learning Environment

Dubai Marina is home to several nurseries, including the well-known British daycare centre Dew Drops Nursery. Their organization is dedicated to fostering an environment in the classroom where kids may learn while participating in extracurricular activities including sports, dance, music, and languages.

One of the top nurseries near JVC Dubai is Dew Drop, an upscale nursery. Applying their knowledge to promote children's development in a joyful, secure, and welcoming learning environment is our aim. With a plethora of combined expertise, our multicultural and bilingual professional teaching staff collaborates to support kids' everyday learning and skill development.

Adaptable Daycare Hours

Because of our ideal location, we can help local families and parents looking for nursery in Dubai marina. You and your child can choose a time that works for you both thanks to our flexible childcare hours. Since every family has different needs, we strive to provide long-term solutions that will, to the greatest extent possible, provide children with a familiar routine and environment.

Give Them a Comprehensive Upbringing and A Strong Foundation in Schooling

Giving kids a solid educational foundation and a well-rounded upbringing is our aim. While our staff works diligently to ensure their happiness and safety, we continue to provide lessons and activities that will satisfy their natural curiosity and provide them the freedom to explore and experience their environment.

If you would like more information about our extracurricular activities, the British curriculum, or would like to arrange a visit to one of our nurseries to meet the staff, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Children Are Having a Great Time

Two of a child's unique qualities are their imagination and their desire to learn new things. All seven learning domains are included in our EYFS program to guarantee a child's full growth. Please contact us if you require a secure Nursery in Arjan. Because of the way Dewdrops Nursery runs, your kids will receive complete assistance from our knowledgeable staff. Your kids will have no trouble adjusting to new surroundings.

If you're seeking for local nurseries where kids may play with a range of kid-friendly toys, please stop by our location. We assist each child in acquiring the most recent skills after identifying their unique competencies. Dewdrops Nursery, one of the best nurseries in JVC and JBR, offers kids a safe and stimulating environment.

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